O my gosh we had SO much fun
I cooked and sewed and laughed and learned
Tonye taught us wonderful technique and truly opened our
hearts and minds in how we create
And, as in any good learning environment, the teacher was
equally inspired by her students
Lily's House was unveiled
as we ate in the newly decorated dining room downstairs
and sprawled out upstairs in the newly opened up space
It was so cozy and everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves
Two rainy days inside sewing and then
a sunny day to end it all
Lending itself to lunch on the roof
and show and tell in the autumn sunshine
I was sad to see it all end
But as I dropped Tonye at the airport yesterday
she said she couldn't wait to come back
And I continually find myself
astounded at how rich our lives can be
with the simplest of pleasures
Please enjoy your day
oh wow, wonderful and joyous. woohoo!