On Tuesday Ready by 21 Mentoring hosted 20 mentors and the sophomore class
of DISHS on a trip to Isle au Haut for a day of fun, community service and
"getting to know you"
It was wonderful and I continue to be blown away by the quality of
the community I live in.
Our youth are kind, curious and full of possibility and our
adults are kind, curious and full of possibility
The perfect match!
As the school year winds down
- and I'm back to mowing the lawn -
It is fun to remember all the ways we've brought older and younger together this year
It really does enrich everyone's life, so much, to connect
and share exactly where each of us is in the here and now.
The one thing that seems to stand out for me is that almost every
adult that has come to be with the kids has said
"When I was your age...."
The cool thing is that the end to that sentence hasn't always
been steeped in what it used to be and what they should be doing
The messages have been more like;
"I thought I could do anything"
"I thought I was invincible"
"I was so worried"
"I didn't have half the pressures you all have since social media"
"I had so much fun"
"I thought I'd never make it out"
And as I continue to mow the lawn
(not because my Dad told me to, but because I have chosen to)
I realize that I haven't changed much since I was "that age"
The real difference is that
time and experience has given me the wisdom
to tweak some of those early beliefs
I still believe I can do anything - that I choose to do
My sense of invincibility has turned into a commitment to a healthy lifestyle
I've learned that worrying is always an option, but truly overrated
We are all learning about social media together
and the fun that used to get me in trouble is now legal!
The biggest one for me was that feeling that I'd never get out
But I did. and I did again. and I did again
Our possibilities are truly endless
We just have to recognize and love that
sweet, crazy, impulsive, passionate, stymied teenager
inside of all of us.
Give her a big hug, thanking her for the opportunities and
forgiving her the mistakes.
Enjoy your holiday weekend and thank you for all you are