Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer Musings

I promised myself that I would go straight to my office this morning
and do some long awaited desk and computer work... getting lost in my gardens for what seems like 15 minutes and
ends up being 2 hours...

I couldn't do it! The morning sun was out after a lovely early rain shower
I had to check the cucumbers, and then of course go on slug patrol in the winter squash
and then there were beans to pick...

What a beautiful summer it has been, not a day over 80
the perfect amount of water for the gardens
long full days
so much bounty
I am so grateful for all the moments

I miss the "Peas" (Ally is missing in the picture)
Such good people. 
 I gave them my time and my reputation
and they honored both
Never missing a day and putting out some delicious food
Stay tuned for info on their soon to come Cookbook

The wine bar on Thursday nights has been a blast
So much so that I will continue into fall and 
 see who wants to keep coming as the days darken into winter

Eddie gave me a lovely rock wall, dividing the parking lots
and Renee is promising a garden shed on the old barn foundation sometime

After coveting the sweet peas at the farmer's market mine finally started dancing


Boating has been less this season so far, but we had a lovely island picnic
last weekend and hope to make up time in September

I've been preserving bounty like crazy
jams, blueberries in syrup, pickles of all sorts, hoping I get some tomatoes to roast

Breakfast on the porch on Sunday was buckwheat crepes stuffed with 
Spruce Hill Farm's goat cheese and my blueberries in syrup

Lunch gatherings with summer friends at Lily's has been a highlight

Last week Becky and I cooked straight from the garden
with cipollini onions in balsamic vinegar and olive oil, stuffed squash blossoms,
purslane and avocado with lemon juice and sea salt
and a cabbage and kholrabi slaw with fresh dill and dried cherries

Just as we were ready to dig in, Karolyn from Pine State showed up
with new red wines to try!  I couldn't have planned it better if I tried.

I keep rejoicing in the bounty, knowing August is winding down

But there is always so much to look forward to...

I so hope you are enjoying these last days of summer.

Be well,

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